Remember why you started
How's your meditation going? Are you turning up twice a day? Are you following through on what you promised yourself? When we make a deal with ourselves, and show up regardless of who's watching it leads to a stronger sense of personal integrity. Following through on your inner decisions, builds a sense of personal power which is addictive in a very positive way.
But I also know life happens and if you've fallen off the meditation wagon, don't fret, you're not the first. The best thing to do if this happens is get straight back on! Don’t beat yourself up, just remember why you started. Was it more energy, less anxiety, more creativity you were after? Whatever it was I bet it’s still important to you. Come along to a group meditation or a refresher session for support.
Remember the results of daily meditation are cumulative. It’s this small commitment of adding meditation to your day that over time has a profound impact on your experience in life. I often use the analogy of steering a ship; if you steer a ship a couple of degrees to the left, over 100 meters you’re in pretty much the same direction, over 1000 kilometres that couple of degrees puts you in a vastly different direction. Small changes repeated over time lead to BIG results.